Durban University of Technology

Bachelor of Design Honours in Visual Communication Design

Communication Studies and Language - Communication Studies

Purpose and Rationale


The Bachelor of Design Honours in Visual Communication Design aims to provide postgraduate learning opportunities in the field of Visual Communication Design. This qualification offers further study in research design, methods, and practical experience in preparation for advanced studies at the Master's level. It equips learners for continued learning throughout their careers and supports their transition into various design and communication industries, including emerging fields like web and mobile app design, animation, and new media technologies.

Qualifying students will gain work-ready skills and hands-on experience in communication, socio-cultural awareness, financial acumen, and disciplinary expertise. The program also fosters entrepreneurial thinking, enhances employability, and offers a solid academic foundation for those aspiring to pursue higher education.


The Bachelor of Design Honours program addresses the limitations of previous qualifications in Graphic Design, such as the B Tech Degree and the National Higher Diploma. These earlier programs primarily focused on technical skills without emphasizing research or advanced academic pursuits. However, the evolution of technology has expanded the scope of Visual Communication Design to encompass diverse areas like animation, multimedia design, app development, and product design.

The current academic landscape in South Africa has also seen a shift towards more qualified educators, research-oriented practices, and interdisciplinary approaches within the field. Professionals in Visual Communication Design now need to be proficient in a variety of media to meet industry demands. Therefore, this honours qualification considers technological advancements, critical thinking skills, entrepreneurial acumen, and the ability to conduct research as essential components for success in the VCD industry.

Overall, the program aims to prepare students for a wide range of career opportunities by equipping them with both specialized and adaptable skills needed in today's dynamic design landscape.


  1. Formulate a coherent academic research proposal leading to an applied project at the forefront of a specialised field, discipline or practice within the broad area of Visual Communication Design.
  2. Critique comprehension and application of a range of relevant contemporary theoretical discourses and sources of knowledge to a Visual Communication Design research project.
  3. Conceptualise, develop and manage research relevant to and leading to an applied Visual Communication Design project in fulfilment of the proposal.
  4. Critically self-motivate with originality of thought and design.
  5. Show professional levels of both written and visual communication skills of the project and of personal capabilities.
  6. Document the research findings and other results of the project in a correctly structured, referenced and reflective academic report.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Conduct an adequate review of current context of the field of study, both as related to Visual Communication Design (VCD) and to the chosen topic.
  • Demonstrate an explicit motivation for the project in both personal and topic-related terms.
  • Formulate a concise statement of research problem or question.
  • Develop an adequate initial literature review, demonstrating understanding of concepts and the ability to structure these into a theoretical basis and literature-based motivation for the project.
  • Formulate a clearly articulated methodology and feasible plan of work for the project.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Research and identify information sources that are authoritative, current, relevant, and reliable.
  • Select and interrogate multiple sources of knowledge in a specified area of Visual Communication Design and in a specified topic area.
  • Demonstrate understanding of relevant specialist terms and clearly communicate understanding of the theoretical material chosen.
  • Make knowledgeable reference in argument to multiple relevant knowledge sources.
  • Show evidence of critical reasoning and independent judgment.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Motivate for the application of standard research and design procedures to the proposed topic, based on understanding of their functions and advantages.
  • Plan the project to be achievable within the qualification duration.
  • Manage its implementation and completion successfully, including engaging with research participants.
  • Use a range of specialized skills to analyze and address the visual communication problems identified in the proposal, drawing systematically on the body of knowledge and methods appropriate to Visual Communication Design.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Analyze, discuss, and critique own and others' work in written, oral, and/or electronic form.
  • Develop an innovative core design concept appropriate to the topic, research results, the proposed audience, and context.
  • Make innovative use of design procedures, processes, and/or techniques in the development of a visual communication design solution to the research problem.
  • Identify and address ethical issues relevant to the topic according to established research ethics guidelines, and evaluate own ethical practices.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Develop and produce design work itself and its presentation in exhibition, print, written, and/or electronic form that communicates the project in visual and verbal form.
  • Communicate appropriately to both the proposed audience of the project and to academic readers.
  • Produce visual, written and/or electronic communication to a professional standard.
  • Communicate personal capacities appropriately to industry audiences.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Produce a clear and reflective account of the project.
  • Use correct grammatical English Language.
  • Implement a logical structure to the academic report.
  • Show familiarity with conventions of academic writing, reference all sources completely and correctly.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Combines theoretical and practical components of the qualification within one assessment event.
  • Assesses a number of outcomes and assessment criteria together using a range of assessment methods.
  • Requires evidence from sources such as lecturers' reports and feedback, portfolios, production reports, process books, evidence of conceptual work and/or visual research, written work and/or visual journals.
  • Utilizes continuous assessment and applies a wide range of assessment methods, combining practical, applied, and reflective competencies.

Qualification Details

Honours Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Durban University of Technology
Durban University of Technology
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Durban University of Technology (DUT) is a public university located in Durban, South Africa. It was established in 2002 through the merger of Technikon Natal and ML Sultan Technikon. DUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines including engineering, business, health sciences, arts and design, and applied sciences. The university is known for its focus on practical and career-oriented education, providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen fields. DUT also has strong industry partnerships and collaborations, ensuring that its graduates are well-prepared for the job market.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.