University of Limpopo

Bachelor of Development in Planning and Management

Human and Social Studies - Urban and Regional Studies

Purpose and Rationale

Program Overview


The purpose of this program is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise to become social development researchers, planners, and managers. The focus will be on areas such as project development, community development, environmental sustainability, as well as rural and urban development. The ultimate goal is to equip candidates with the tools to contribute towards poverty and inequality eradication.


In countries like South Africa and other developing nations, the challenges of poverty and inequality are multifaceted. Various stakeholders including government, private sector, and civil society are involved in implementing development projects to address these issues. Community involvement is crucial for holistic and coherent development processes. There is a growing need for individuals who possess knowledge, understanding, skills, and expertise in multidisciplinary research-based interventions.

The program will cover topics such as development project design, analysis, planning, implementation, and management. It will also emphasize the integration of environmental considerations into development planning to ensure sustainable poverty and inequality eradication strategies are in place. Students will be prepared to navigate the complexities of modern planning processes in order to make a meaningful impact on social development.


  1. Hold in-depth insight, knowledge and understanding of the complex challenges associated with the manifestations of poverty and inequality, especially within rural contexts of developing countries.
  2. Understand and analyse development policy as well as the planning and management approaches.
  3. Plan implement and manage sustainable interventions (by state, private and civil society agencies) for addressing poverty and inequality in a participatory, coherent and integrated manner.
  4. Design, analyse, plan, implement and manage research/evidence-based community development projects that are environmentally sustainable.
  5. Conceptualise and propose feasible multidisciplinary research in social development planning and management.
  6. Interpret, explain and/or develop an argument around and an understanding of newly-encountered material and demonstrate an ability to marshal an approach.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria:

  • Reflect in the correct use of the terminology, concepts, principles, and theories in written and/or oral communication.
  • Propose solutions to well-structured and practical problems based on theory-driven arguments.
  • Communicate clearly using scholarly discourse and discipline-specific conventions efficiently.
  • Display competence with the basic and elementary modes of inquiry.
  • Reflect in well-defined and coherent representation of identified problems.
  • Represent in the selection and application of appropriate methods, techniques, tools, and procedures relevant to the discipline.
  • Propose possible solutions based on theory-driven arguments and using the relevant modes of inquiry consistently.
  • Demonstrate scholarly and critical reasoning skills.
  • Analyse contemporary contexts and locate work in those contexts.
  • Reflect in explicit recognition of the diversity, complexity, and multidimensionality of a context and how that affects the particular work being undertaken.
  • Demonstrate through the provision of relevant information pertaining to the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the context for addressing specific problems.
  • Identify relevant role players and resources that will contribute to the resolution of specific problems.
  • Describe all relevant factors pertaining to the context and people's performances in these contexts and how they affect the particular work being undertaken.
  • Identify critical factors impacting on practical problems to be investigated from the perspective of the discipline.
  • Interpret topical issues from different perspectives.
  • Base results from analyses of relevant national contexts and research findings.
  • Describe and explain making effective use of comparing diverse theories.
  • Evaluate and define the boundaries and limitations of theory and recognizes the provisional nature of research findings.
  • Involve ethical and responsible solutions for practical problems.
  • Communicate using scholarly discourse and different modes of communication effectively.
  • Use different procedures to generate scholarly information.
  • Apply standard procedures within the specific discipline, such as experimental or computational techniques, or deductive or inductive reasoning.
  • Collect and record appropriate data truthfully and in the appropriate format.
  • Analyse and interpret materials.
  • Argue persuasively about such analyses and interpretations.
  • Draw valid conclusions.
  • Present these conclusions appropriately.
  • Know the ethical implications of various kinds of research and be able to act accordingly.
  • Demonstrate reasoning skills, including the ability to express own opinions clearly and coherently, justify a position, and present it logically, systematically using properly substantiated arguments.
  • Communicate to show an awareness of the audience, and capability in using different modes of communication (oral and written) and discipline-specific conventions, and utilization of different techniques and strategies for communicating results.
  • Access various kinds of information resources, such as the library, Internet, and primary and secondary sources related to the core disciplines as needed.
  • Demonstrate key scholarly skills through: Logical thinking (including the identification of flawed reasoning in a text), inductive and deductive thinking skills.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Assessment approach is integrated horizontally and vertically to ensure that Exit Level Outcomes have been met.
  • Continuous and formative assessments include tests, assignments, quizzes, practical project exercises, presentations, field visits, group work, contributing 60% towards the final mark.
  • Summative assessment, a three-hour examination paper at the end of each semester, contributes 40% towards the final mark.
  • Assessment is in alignment with the University rules and the assessment policy of student learning.

Qualification Details

National First Degree
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Limpopo
University of Limpopo
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The University of Limpopo is a comprehensive university located in the Limpopo province of South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of the University of the North and the Medical University of South Africa. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including health sciences, natural and agricultural sciences, humanities, management sciences, and education. It is known for its commitment to providing quality education, conducting research that addresses societal challenges, and promoting community engagement. The University of Limpopo strives to produce graduates who are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the development of the region and the country as a whole.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.