Stellenbosch University

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering

Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology - Engineering and Related Design

Purpose and Rationale

Program Objectives

  1. Career Preparation: Prepare students for careers as professional engineers in the private or public sectors or as academics.

  2. Strong Foundation: Provide students with a solid grounding in mathematics and engineering sciences to apply engineering modelling and design in emerging fields of knowledge.

  3. Post-Graduate Studies: Equip students with the necessary skills to pursue further studies at the post-graduate level.

  4. Technical Leadership: Address South Africa's need for professionals who can lead in developing the country's infrastructure and industry to compete globally.


  1. Competent to identify, assess, formulate and solve convergent and divergent engineering problems creatively and innovatively from first principles of mathematics and the engineering sciences.
  2. Competent to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary environments showing leadership and performing critical functions.
  3. Competent to prioritise tasks and manage own time effectively.
  4. Competent to acquire and evaluate the requisite knowledge, information and resources, apply correct principles, evaluate and use design tools.
  5. Competent to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with engineering audiences and the community at large, using appropriate structure, style and graphical support.
  6. Aware of and understands the requirements to maintain continued competence and to keep abreast of up-to-date tools and techniques through life long learning.
  7. Competent t exercise judgement commensurate with knowledge and experience required to operate as a professional engineer.
  8. Competent to apply scientific and technological knowledge critically and responsibly.
  9. Competent to view the world holistically and understand it as a set of related systems. GENERAL OUTCOMES The BEng graduate is:
  10. Familiar with the theories, understands and is competent to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering sciences from first principles to solve engineering problems, involving the following performances: A. Bring mathematical and numerical analysis and statistical knowledge and methods to bear on engineering problems by using an appropriate mix of: Formal analysis and modelling of engineering components, systems or processes. Communicating concepts, ideas and theories with the aid of mathematics. Reasoning about and conceptualising engineering components, systems or processes using mathematical concepts. Dealing with uncertainty and risk through the use or probability and statistics. B. Use physical laws and knowledge of the physical world as a foundation for the engineering sciences and the solution of engineering problems by an appropriate mix of: Formal analysis and modelling of engineering components, systems or processes using principles and knowledge of the basic sciences. Reasoning about and conceptualising engineering problems, components, systems or processes using principles of the basic sciences. C. Use the techniques, principles and laws of engineering science at a fundamental level and in at least one specialist are to: Identify an solve open ended engineering problems Identify and pursue engineering applications Work across engineering disciplinary boundaries through cross disciplinary literacy and shared knowledge
  11. Competent to perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of components, systems, works, products or processes, involving the performances: Identify and formulate the design problem to satisfy user needs, applicable standards, codes of practice and legislation Plan and manage the design process: focus on important issues, recognise and deal with constraints Perform design tasks including analysis, quantitative modelling and optimisation Evaluate alternative and preferred solution exercise judgement, test implementability and perform techno-economic analyses Assess impacts and benefits of the design: social, legal, health, safety, and environmental Communicate the design logic and information
  12. Competent to do investigations, experiments and data analysis, involving the following performances: Apply research method Plan and conduct investigations and experiments using appropriate equipment. Analyse, interpret and derive information from data
  13. Competent to use engineering methods, skills and information technology, involving the following performances: a) Use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools an assess the results they yield b) Use computer packages for computation, modelling, simulation and information handling, involving: Assessment of the applicability and limitations of the package. Proper application and operation of the package Critical testing and assessment of the end results produced by the package c) Use computers and networks and information infrastructures for accessing, processing, managing, and storing information to enhance personal productivity and teamwork d) Create computer applications as required by the discipline e) Bring basic techniques and knowledge to bear on engineering practice from economics, business environmental protection
  14. Competent to communicate effectively with professional and general audiences, involving the following performances: Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with engineering audiences an the community at large, using appropriate structure, style and graphical support Apply methods of providing information for use by others involved in engineering activity
  15. Critically aware of the impact of engineering activity on society and the environment, involving the following performances: a) Demonstrate mastery of the philosophical concepts involved b) Demonstrated awareness of the need to bring into engineering analysis and design considerations: The impact of technology on society The personal, social, cultural values and requirements of those affected by engineering activity
  16. Critically aware of the need to act professionally and ethically and to take responsibility within own limits of competence

Assessment Criteria

Integrated Assessment

The student's ability to integrate knowledge is demonstrated by various design and research projects requiring, among other things, synthesis of ideas and evaluation of alternatives. To demonstrate competence in outcome B, students must show the ability to work in teams to perform experiments and/or design projects.

The assessment used for the BEng ensures the qualification's purpose is achieved through a range of formative and summative methods such as simulations, demonstration of implemented designs, laboratory assignments, and written and oral examinations. These modalities are used integratively to assess if specified outcomes have been achieved. Generalizing from sample assessments to a domain occurs in a planned way to ensure reliability, meeting the standard and level of achievement for NQF level 7.

The criterion for assessing most outcomes is based on the accuracy and validity of the information and conceptual content submitted by the student, demonstrating the indicated performances adequately. To demonstrate competence in outcome F, students must write logical and coherent reports utilizing graphical presentations with computer software.

In the capstone project, students must demonstrate adequate integration of knowledge and the ability to apply engineering judgment. The programme culminates in an engineering project assessment, which includes practical demonstrations of results, a written report, and an oral presentation showcasing a thorough scientific process to achieve results.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University is a public research university located in Stellenbosch, South Africa. It is one of the oldest universities in the country, established in 1918. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and social sciences, science, engineering, health sciences, and business. Stellenbosch University is known for its high academic standards and research output, with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. It is also recognized for its multicultural and inclusive campus environment, attracting students from diverse backgrounds both locally and internationally.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.