University of Johannesburg

Advanced Diploma in Food Technology

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Purpose and Rationale

Advanced Diploma in Food Technology


The Advanced Diploma in Food Technology provides further specialisation and develops a deep and systematic understanding of current thinking, practice, theory, and methodology in the area of food science and technology. Furthermore, this qualification will prepare students for Postgraduate study through deeper knowledge and understanding of research theories, methodologies, and practices as well as the development of their ability to formulate, undertake, and resolve more complex theoretical and practice-related problems and tasks through the selection and use of appropriate methods and techniques. Professional activities that the graduates will be able to competently perform after completion of this qualification include quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, advanced laboratory methods and techniques, quality assurance of food and related products, research and development of new products and processes, planning, implementing and/or managing processing operations in a manufacturing environment.


The Advanced Diploma in Food Technology is primarily designed to allow academic progression for graduates with a Diploma in Food Technology and to further develop food technology industry practitioners who can independently integrate and apply scientific technical/vocational principles and techniques. The direct exposure to the workplace enables graduates to effectively access a number of careers and employment from the onset. The main emphasis of the qualification will be to ensure that the graduates are further prepared for a higher-level career in the Food Technology and related industries. This qualification may also serve as a career path for graduates to pursue further educational qualifications like the Postgraduate Diploma or Honours, or an operations management and Food safety and quality management educational qualifications. The graduates of this qualification will have more in-depth, yet, broad knowledge and skills within the discipline of Food Science and Technology.


  1. Identify and solve problems encountered in food technology using critical and creative thinking and applying the relevant procedures, methods and techniques.
  2. Apply scientific principles to perform routine operations and preparations in the laboratory and in production in food technology contexts.
  3. Communicate effectively with other role players in the food technology sector using oral and/or written and visual modes of communication.
  4. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information/data quantitatively and qualitatively.
  5. Use science and technology effectively and critically, exercising compliance with good laboratory and manufacturing practices to show responsibility towards the environment and health of others.
  6. Integrate related systems in interpreting and assessing results and identifying problems in the workplace.
  7. Apply research methodology in the design of a research project.

Assessment Criteria

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Apply advanced scientific principles of the chemistry of food components e.g. water, starches, proteins, lipids, food additives to develop products.
  • Identify and solve problems, perform and interpret the results obtained from routine laboratory analysis, to food science and technology applications.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Apply the concepts and principles of operations and quality management correctly to the manufacture of food and related products.
  • Apply the principles of new food product development to develop new products and/or innovative manufacturing processes and plan and execute new product development projects.
  • Describe, appraise and categories the development of new food, beverage and related products.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Describe different mechanisms of commination in various food operations and the operating principles of common commination plants.
  • Select suitable food packaging materials and/or packaging technologies for different applications based on the requirements of the product, logistics and marketing.
  • Identify, describe and select different packaging systems including packaging materials, closures and adhesives, packaging technologies and/or equipment involved in packaging of food, beverage and related products for food, beverage and related products.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Apply food science and technology principles and current trends in food product development and the manufacture of food products.
  • Apply current innovation trends e.g. functional foods and use nanotechnology for food science and technology applications in new product development.
  • Apply advanced sensory evaluation methods and techniques and select appropriate methods for various applications including to data analysis methods.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Demonstrate competence in the manufacture of safe, quality foods and related products.
  • Identify and interpret the requirements of food safety management systems.
  • Articulate the importance of food safety and quality by reviewing global food regulation and control initiatives and identify and apply international and national codes of practice, standards, guidelines, legislation relevant to food safety, quality and hygiene.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Relate the concepts and principles of operations and quality management and entrepreneurship to the manufacture of food and related products.
  • Describe and evaluate the legal, social, and economic environments of business.
  • Identify and describe knowledge of business concepts and functions in an integrated manner and understand ethical obligations and responsibilities of business.

Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Develop and translate a research concept into a project proposal using sound research methodology.
  • Present the project proposal effectively.

Integrated Assessment:

  • Assessment of the learning outcomes of the Advanced Diploma in Food Technology forms an integral part of the teaching and learning process.
  • The assessment of all modules is in line with the university's teaching and learning policy, including the assessment guidelines.
  • Each module will include formative assessments, practical assessments, assignments/projects, and summative assessments.
  • Final summative evaluations will be moderated by an external expert to ensure quality and appropriateness of assessments.

Formative and Summative Assessment:

  • Lectured components will be assessed according to the university assessment policy.
  • Formative assessments will provide feedback to students for improvement.
  • Final summative assessments will be conducted without feedback to the student.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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University of Johannesburg
University of Johannesburg
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The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of the Rand Afrikaans University, Technikon Witwatersrand, and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University. UJ is one of the largest universities in South Africa, with over 50,000 students enrolled across its four campuses. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including arts, humanities, sciences, engineering, business, and health sciences. UJ is known for its commitment to providing quality education, promoting social justice, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.