Education, Training and Development - Schooling
This qualification aims to develop graduates as competent, professional teachers to be abled and committed to the enhancement of education in diverse schools in South Africa and beyond. Furthermore this qualification aims to provide teachers with the required knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance teaching and learning in all the Intermediate Phase subjects (Languages, Mathematics, Life Skills, Natural Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, Social Sciences and Economic Management Sciences). The Exit Level Outcomes and the Associated Assessment Criteria are designed to engage with the teacher competencies provided by the Department of Education in the MRTEQ of 2011.
The current challenges in education in South Africa are well documented, as is the poor performance of learners in critical learning areas. The legacy of apartheid education and history still prevails in schools, and this affects educational contexts and the people who participate in it. It is therefore of paramount importance to ensure that future teachers are enabled with the requisite skills, knowledge, values and attitudes to attend fully to the needs of learners, and the overall goals of education, including to help build a better, socially just society in which citizens can live a decent life. South Africa needs teachers who are responsible, accountable and highly motivated to teach their subjects-teachers who are empowered to not only apply theory to and in practice, but to critically reflect on the suitability and appropriateness of specific approaches, strategies and techniques within diverse learning contexts-teachers who can educate the 21st Century Learner.
The outcome of National Reviews of Teacher Education programmes that took place in 2007/8, captured in the Report on the National Review of Academic and Professional Programmes in Education (Soudien & Menon, 2010), highlighted a need for the re-design of the Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (BEd Intermediate Phase) qualifications. The recommendations from those reviews and this report have informed the new 'Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications' (MRTEQ) Policy (2011). These policy recommendations have been taken into account in the re-curriculation of this qualification submitted for accreditation. This qualification will replace the BEd Intermediate Phase Programmes and will aim to address the increasing need for suitably qualified Intermediate Phase teachers who can function and contribute to more effective education in Intermediate Phase as it is evident that the previous qualifications did not fully prepare Teachers for the changing context and demands of education in South Africa in the past, hence the need for a revised curriculum to address these demands and to meet the requirements of the 'Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications' (MRTEQ) Policy (2015) is warranted. The primary employer of teachers, the Department of Basic Education, emphasises in their publication, Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 (Department of Basic Education, 2011), the need for new teachers to be nurtured at university level, to enable well qualified young teachers to enter into teaching in the school sector. As such, this qualification will play an important role to realise this need of the Department of Basic Education.
A wide range of assessment activities will be employed, including but not limited to assignments, tests, projects, reflections, presentations, case studies, role play, posters, electronically delivered projects, journal writing, lesson planning, group assignments, online assessments, school-based lesson presentations, formal final assessment, and capstone portfolio.
This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.