Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Advanced Diploma in Biotechnology

Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences - Life Sciences

Purpose and Rationale


  • To provide graduates with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of theories, methodologies, and practices in Biotechnology.
  • To enhance learners' ability to solve complex theoretical and practical problems.
  • Specialization in Industrial Microbiology, Environmental Biotechnology, or Plant and Animal Biotechnology.
  • Training in methodologies, instrumentation, project management, operations and quality management, entrepreneurship, ethics, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
  • Provide an articulation route for graduates to further education and specialization.
  • Targeted towards Diploma graduates to offer a route to higher qualifications.
  • Equip graduates to contribute more to the industry and society, enhancing overall citizenship.


  • Situational Analysis:

    • Biotechnology is a rapidly growing industry globally and in South Africa.
    • Human resource development must align with industry growth and government policy.
    • The qualification aligns with the government's Bio-economy Strategy and industry priorities in Agriculture, Health, Industry, and Environment.
    • Focus on innovation, research, technology transfer, and bio-entrepreneurship.
    • Address the skills shortage and provide human resources for the industry's growth.
    • Aligned with institutional strategic goals in Research, Technology, and Innovation.
    • Biotechnology is on the scarce skills list, making it a priority area for strategic plans.
    • Collaboration with industry stakeholders to design a curriculum that meets industry needs.
  • Employment Opportunities:

    • Opportunities in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture, Energy, and the Environment.
    • Specialization in industrial microbiology or plant/animal agricultural biotechnology.
    • Training in entrepreneurship, project management, and quality control.
    • Graduates serve as vital links between production and management.
  • Qualification Level:

    • Advanced Diploma is at Level 7, equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree.
    • Enables Diploma graduates to specialize further in Biotechnology or diversify into other fields through articulation into Postgraduate qualifications.


The Advanced Diploma in Biotechnology aims to bridge the gap between the current workforce needs of the Biotechnology industry and the skills possessed by Diploma graduates. By providing specialized knowledge, practical training, and training in industry-relevant areas, the qualification seeks to empower graduates to contribute effectively to the growth of the industry and society. Through a strategic alignment with industry needs, government policies, and institutional goals, the qualification serves as a valuable asset in building a skilled workforce for the future of Biotechnology in South Africa.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of various theoretical aspects of relevant fields in biotechnology, such as Industrial, Environmental, Plant and Animal Biotechnology.
  2. Demonstrate a deep understanding of microbial metabolism, biochemistry, methods and techniques in molecular biology, animal, plant and microbial cell culture, both in theory and as these relate to environmental and industrial biotechnological practices, in a context-specific manner and optimise current practices.
  3. Demonstrate an appreciation for ethical practices with regard to biotechnology, as they relate to legislation, intellectual property rights (IPR) and accountability.
  4. Demonstrate an ability to plan and conduct a biotechnology research project, and communicate findings in both an oral and written format, taking cognisance of research ethics, accountability, standard operating procedures, data collection, time management, team work, proposal and report writing, statistically-sound data processing and interpretation, and scientific decorum.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of various industrially and research-applicable equipment, the ability to troubleshoot, and the ability to apply these practices in various contexts.
  6. Research, plan and operate a biotechnology-related business, draw and interpret budget requirements, understand legal constraints, labour legislation and IPR, with a potential to become entrepreneurs and/or widen access to senior managerial posts in the bio-economy.
  7. Demonstrate an awareness of social responsibility, good environmental practices, community engagement, life-long learning and effective, productive citizenship.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of concepts and applications of environmental, industrial, plant and animal biotechnology, such as wastewater treatment, waste disposal, biodegradation, biosorption, molecular diagnostics, factors that determine the growth and maintenance of animal, plant and microbial cells.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of various biological systems, such as cellular biology, environmental biology, microbiology, etc.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Predict, grow, maintain, and manipulate the conditions for plant, animal and microbial cell culture, using a range of laboratory equipment for both research and industrial applications.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct various biotechnological procedures in a range of contexts.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Demonstrate an appreciation and knowledge of legislation surrounding general scientific and specifically biotechnological practices.
  • Interpret legislation, business and management practices, budget construction, IPR and accountability.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Plan, conduct, and report on a particular biotechnology-related research exercise.
  • Understand scientific practical parameters, from data collection, statistical processing, data interpretation, sourcing relevant literature, proposal writing, time management (with respect to deadlines), and effective scientifically-acceptable communication, in both the written and oral forms.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Effectively operate a range of instruments, troubleshoot, select the correct instrument for a given application and context.
  • Conduct a research project, with all the associated parameters, using the range of apparatus and instruments available.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Plan and operate a biotechnology-related business.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of IPR, budget construction, legal considerations of biotechnology businesses and labour legislations.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Display knowledge and appreciation of research ethics, environmental sustainability, waste management, bioethical principles, community engagement and cognitive conditioning.
  • Understand environmental impacts of biotechnological practices, intellectual property rights, scientific decorum and research ethics.
  • Demonstrate awareness of societal responsibilities and act in an accountable and fair manner, make decisions for the greater good, and display qualities of good citizenship.

Integrated Assessment:

Being a year-long qualification, the Advanced Diploma in Biotechnology comprises both core (7 modules) and elective (4 modules) offerings. In designing the various assessment criteria for the qualification, the rationale for effective assessment practices was adhered to. Assessments seek to promote equity and confidence in the classroom, prioritise appropriate individual, social and economic transformation goals, enhance key competencies and attributes in graduates, solidify disciplinary knowledge, improve the quality of teaching, and encourage throughput and quality within a qualification. The assessment strategies also reflect the institutional requirements, depending on the module, with respect to class marks, feedback, disciplinary and appeals procedures, duly performance, condoned passes, etc. Integrated assessment for the Advanced Diploma in Biotechnology incorporates a variety of formative and assessment methods, such as formal tests and examinations, problem solving assignments, case studies to demonstrate bioethics, oral presentations, portfolios of evidence, research projects, and assessments of practical, technical and methodological competence, both in the laboratory environment and in the field and/or industry. Integrated assessment therefore aims to assess the following graduate attributes, in order for the Diploma to be awarded:

  • The extent to which learners have grasped theoretical concepts and practical experience, which is context-specific, for good biotechnological practice
  • Evaluate the extent to which learners demonstrate societal responsibility towards better citizenship and role models in communities
  • The extent to which the intended learning outcomes of each of the compulsory and elective modules have been met.

Formative assessment:

Tutorials, practical reports, oral presentations, research proposals and research reports.

Summative assessment:

Written tests, research reports, oral presentations, final examinations, business plans.

Qualification Details

Advanced Diploma
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three separate institutions. CPUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including engineering, business, health sciences, applied sciences, and design and informatics. The university is known for its focus on applied research and innovation, and it has strong partnerships with industry and community organizations. CPUT is committed to providing quality education and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.