Nelson Mandela University

Bachelor of Social Work

Health Sciences and Social Services - Promotive Health and Developmental Services

Purpose and Rationale

Purpose of the Bachelor of Social Work Degree:

The purpose of the Bachelor of Social Work Degree is to provide a well-rounded, professional education that prepares graduates to engage with individuals from micro-to macro levels of social work within a dynamic socio-political context. The degree aims to equip graduates to engage in problem-solving, promote social change and development, social cohesion, and empower and liberate individuals. The program is underscored by principles of respect for human dignity and diversities, social justice, human rights, and collective responsibilities. Grounded in theories of social work, social and human sciences, and locally specific knowledge, the qualification allows graduates to register and practice as social workers in South Africa.

Rationale for Recurriculation:

The rationale for the re-curriculation of the Bachelor of Social Work program was based on an audit by the Council of Higher Education (CHE), which identified the need for changes in the program's delivery and content. The global definition of social work emphasizes the profession's role in promoting social change, development, social cohesion, and empowerment of individuals. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility, and respect for diversities are central to social work practice.

Given the historical, social, and political context of South Africa, BSW graduates play a crucial role in addressing social issues and working towards equality and transformation in society. The demand for social workers is growing, with a need for 55,000 social service professionals to meet the country's welfare needs as outlined in the National Development Plan for 2030.

The re-curriculation of the program aims to ensure alignment with policy imperatives, innovative academic excellence, and an updated indigenous knowledge base. By preparing graduates to address societal challenges at various levels, the BSW program contributes meaningfully to addressing urgent needs in South Africa.


  1. Assess client systems' social functioning. 3 Plan and implement appropriate social work intervention strategies and techniques at micro, mezzo and macro levels.
  2. Access and utilise resources appropriate to client systems' needs and strengths.
  3. Produce and maintain records of social work interventions, processes and outcomes.
  4. Evaluate the outcomes of social work intervention strategies, techniques and processes Produce and maintain records of social work interventions, processes and outcomes.
  5. Ensure social work intervention.
  6. Negotiate and utilise contracts during social work intervention.
  7. Demonstrate social work values while interacting with human diversity.
  8. Appraise and implement the ethical principles and values of social work.
  9. Use, plan and execute social work research.
  10. Work effectively with social workers and members of inter-sectoral and multi- and/or inter-disciplinary teams in social service delivery.
  11. Identify, select and implement various techniques, methods and means of raising awareness, developing critical consciousness about the structural forces of oppression, exclusion and disempowerment, and use such awareness to engage people as change agents.
  12. Analyse human behaviour with regard to the intersections of race, class, culture, ethnicity, gender, differential abilities and sexual orientation.
  13. Critically appraise social welfare and social work from a global, regional (African) and national perspective.
  14. Critically appraise the current status and position of the social work profession within the South African welfare context.
  15. Apply and uphold the basic values and principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights in the S.A. Constitution in relation to social work service delivery.
  16. Elucidate national, provincial and local governance structures, and the general laws and charters governing social welfare policy and social work services in South Africa.
  17. Describe how social policies and legislation on social issues impact on these issues and how to use legislation ethically and accountably in order to protect and improve the quality of life of client systems from a social work perspective.
  18. Describe the process of how social welfare policy and legislation are developed and influenced.
  19. Describe the roles, functions, knowledge and skills for effective social work supervision and consultation.
  20. Describe the roles, functions, principles and characteristics of management and administration within social service delivery.
  21. Formulate a business plan for the funding of social services.
  22. Identify the influence of the relationship between socio-political and economic factors on social services.
  23. Describe the roles and functions of the social worker within relevant statutory frameworks.
  24. Identify how social security is used optimally for the benefit of client systems.
  25. Identify the purpose, functions and principles of social work within the social development paradigm.

Assessment Criteria

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional relationships on knowledge of and insight into the nature of client systems and their dynamics.
  • Characterise professional relationships by the purposeful implementation of social work principles at various levels.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional relationships and ethical parameters.
  • Create enabling environments for client systems to develop their full capacity.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

  • Apply assessments reflecting a comprehensive analysis of client systems' needs and strengths.
  • Analyse client systems' needs and strengths using appropriate theoretical frameworks.
  • Use assessments to demonstrate appropriate social work tools and data.
  • Use assessments reflecting the influence of social circumstances and social systems on client systems' functioning.
  • Perform assessments demonstrating a holistic approach to client systems' social functioning.
  • Develop assessments resulting in mutually agreed upon goals.
  • Record assessment processes and conclusions clearly, systematically, and accurately.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

  • Consider social systems impacting client systems' functioning in intervention plans.
  • Plan interventions based on assessment and appropriate strategies.
  • Implement intervention strategies aimed at achieving identified goals.
  • Apply interventions using a range of skills and corresponding theoretical assumptions.
  • Implement interventions including the use of social work tools and data.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

  • Identify and utilise resources appropriate to client systems' needs, strengths, and goals.
  • Link networking with resources directly to the needs of client systems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

  • Ensure client systems' files contain all relevant reports within agreed upon time frames, standards, and procedures.
  • Include accurate details of intervention activities, processes, and outcomes in reports.
  • Prepare channel reports as per prescribed procedures when necessary.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

  • Clearly describe outcomes of intervention strategies, techniques, and processes in evaluations.
  • Use evaluations as the basis for planning, termination, and ongoing services.
  • Utilise evaluations to demonstrate self-awareness and reflection.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:

  • Ensure termination of services is mutually agreed upon and in line with social work principles.
  • Complete administrative aspects of termination according to professional requirements.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:

  • Ensure contracts contain mutually agreed upon principles, expectations, goals, and procedures.
  • Use contracts to guide practice with clients.
  • Include possible results/consequences of breaching agreements for practitioner and client system.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:

  • Implement assessments, interventions, and outcomes analysis with sensitivity for diversity.
  • Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of different viewpoints and values.
  • Include analysis of diversity impacts in assessments.
  • Demonstrate interaction and teamwork reflecting understanding and acceptance of diversity.
  • Ensure referrals are appropriate to unique client system needs.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:

  • Demonstrate awareness of and ability to implement social work values and ethical principles.
  • Appraise ethical principles' practical implications for social work practice.
  • Critique the Code of Ethics of the South African Council for Social Service Professions.
  • Recognise the impact of personal values on social work practice.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:

  • Use research reports to reflect knowledge and skills in social work research.
  • Display a critical understanding of the link between knowledge construction, research, and social work practice.
  • Reflect knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research paradigms, designs, sampling procedures, data collection, and analysis methods.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:

  • Clearly indicate the purpose and value of the team approach in social work services.
  • Distinguish individual roles and functions of social work team members.
  • Understand and motivate the critical role of social auxiliary work in social welfare context.
  • Identify and work with relevant sectors in social welfare.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:

  • Select techniques for awareness-raising appropriate to specific social issues and contexts.
  • Assist individuals, families, groups, and communities in exploring alternative identities for enhanced self-esteem.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 14:

  • Explain how individual and group identities are formed in relation to socio-structural forces through analysis.
  • Provide insights into how social differentiation leads to prejudice, ethno-centrism, and discrimination.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 15:

  • Describe the key elements, functions, and principles of social welfare and social work.
  • Differentiate between social welfare and social work.
  • Examine historical and current trends in social welfare and social work.
  • Understand the impact of social welfare models on service delivery.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 16:

  • Outline the core characteristics of the social work profession.
  • Evaluate the relationship between social work and other social service professions.
  • Appraise the influence of policy documents on the image and status of social work.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 17:

  • Describe the provisions of the Bill of Rights.
  • Evaluate the relationship between the values of the Bill of Rights and social work principles.
  • Identify the social worker's role in protecting and promoting human rights.
  • Develop strategies to address human rights infringements.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 18:

  • Outline the structure, roles, and functions of each sphere of government and their inter-relationships.
  • Identify the roles of government spheres in social welfare service provision and policy development.
  • Describe the South African judicial system and the roles of social workers within it.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 19:

  • Describe social issues and their impact on individuals, families, groups, and communities.
  • Evaluate current social policies and legislation in relation to social work values.
  • Identify limitations in social policies negatively affecting service delivery.
  • Propose amendments to improve social services.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 20:

  • Reflect the process of social policy and legislation development.
  • Identify role players in formulating social policy at national and provincial levels.
  • Explain how individuals and communities can influence social policy and legislation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 21:

  • Articulate roles and responsibilities of supervisee, supervisor, and consultant.
  • Describe different models of supervision and consultation.
  • Reflect on the effective use of supervision in practice.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 22:

  • Articulate qualities, principles, and characteristics of management and administration.
  • Describe skills and duties of a social work manager.
  • Critique modern management systems and their theoretical underpinnings.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 23:

  • Reflect aims and objectives consistent with identified problems in plans.
  • Elucidate anticipated outcomes and sustainability measures in plans.
  • Include a clear and realistic budget in plans.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 24:

  • Identify the impact of socio-political ideology and funding policies on organisational functioning.
  • Describe challenges faced by social service agencies in technology and funding.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 25:

  • Describe policies and legislation in criminal justice, mental health, and child and family care.
  • Explain the roles of social workers in different courts and procedures.
  • Work in accordance with statutory and legal requirements through practice.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 26:

  • Reflect knowledge of social security benefits and their access in South Africa.
  • Describe the relationship between social security benefits and poverty alleviation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 27:

  • Describe the relationship between social work and social development.
  • Understand economic and social development and local economic strategies.
  • Identify strategies for human and social capital formation in social development.

Qualification Details

National First Degree(Min 480)
NQF Level
Min. Credits
SAQA Source
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Nelson Mandela University
Nelson Mandela University is a comprehensive university located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. It was established in 2005 through the merger of three institutions, and it is named after the iconic South African leader, Nelson Mandela. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts, sciences, business, engineering, health sciences, and law. It is known for its commitment to social justice, transformation, and community engagement. Nelson Mandela University strives to provide quality education, promote research and innovation, and contribute to the development of the region and the country as a whole.

This page includes information from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) . Builtneat Pty Ltd trading as Study Start, has modified all or some of this information. SAQA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.