Careers in Construction and Extraction

Weatherization Installers and Technicians

Construction and Extraction

Perform a variety of activities to weatherize homes and make them more energy efficient. Duties include repairing windows, insulating ducts, and performing heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) work. May perform energy audits and advise clients on energy conservation measures.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Derrick Operators, Oil and Gas

Construction and Extraction

Rig derrick equipment and operate pumps to circulate mud or fluid through drill hole.

May require a Matric Certificate

Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas

Construction and Extraction

Set up or operate a variety of drills to remove underground oil and gas, or remove core samples for testing during oil and gas exploration.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Service Unit Operators, Oil and Gas

Construction and Extraction

Operate equipment to increase oil flow from producing wells or to remove stuck pipe, casing, tools, or other obstructions from drilling wells. Includes fishing-tool technicians.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators, Surface Mining

Construction and Extraction

Operate or tend machinery at surface mining site, equipped with scoops, shovels, or buckets to excavate and load loose materials.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas

Construction and Extraction

Operate a variety of drills such as rotary, churn, and pneumatic to tap subsurface water and salt deposits, to remove core samples during mineral exploration or soil testing, and to facilitate the use of explosives in mining or construction. Includes horizontal and earth boring machine operators.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters

Construction and Extraction

Place and detonate explosives to demolish structures or to loosen, remove, or displace earth, rock, or other materials. May perform specialized handling, storage, and accounting procedures.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Continuous Mining Machine Operators

Construction and Extraction

Operate self-propelled mining machines that rip coal, metal and nonmetal ores, rock, stone, or sand from the mine face and load it onto conveyors, shuttle cars, or trucks in a continuous operation.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Roof Bolters, Mining

Construction and Extraction

Operate machinery to install roof support bolts in underground mine.

Requires a Matric Certificate

Loading and Moving Machine Operators, Underground Mining

Construction and Extraction

Operate underground loading or moving machine to load or move coal, ore, or rock using shuttle or mine car or conveyors. Equipment may include power shovels, hoisting engines equipped with cable-drawn scraper or scoop, or machines equipped with gathering arms and conveyor.

Requires a Matric Certificate